God the Holy Spirit

By Oscar M. Baker

The great commission of the kingdom age (Matt 28:19) included baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit). The word name is in the singular, not plural. So Father is not a name. Son is not a name. Holy Spirit is not a name. But there is a name that includes all three. Do you know that name? It is the name that is given to Jesus (Ph'p. 2:8-11). It is first mentioned in Psalms 7:17. It is Jehovah Elyon (Jehovah, the most high God). That is the name of the one individual which consists of three persons.

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The Mystery Announced

By Oscar M. Baker

Up to the great divorce of Acts 28:25-28, both spiritual and material blessings had to do with the earth, the land that was promised to Abraham and to his descendants. Even the New Jerusalem comes down to the earth to be inhabited by a chosen people. Among those will be Abraham and those who are children of the promise made to Abraham.

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What is the Hope of His Calling?

By Oscar M. Baker

Before we can tell what the hope is, we will have to settle the question of His calling, what it is and where it is. Then, whatever that may be and wherever it may be, will tell us what the hope of our calling is. For those that are in Christ are identified with Him very closely. In fact, this is their baptism. So now for the context.

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