By Joseph L. Watkins
We continue in our quest of getting and having a good working and profitable understanding of life, both that principle of life which we all have been blessed with in our first father, Adam, and that life which is ours in and through our maker, Elohim, Christ Jesus. Yes, we need to have a good understanding of both that which is to be overcome of death and that great life in Christ Jesus that has overcome this death. We all have this life that came in Adam, and we can all have that life which is in Christ Jesus; only believe and that "life" can be yours. Yes, only believe. Today our goal is to be better understand what we have now in Adam. The life we now have in our earthly father Adam is under the divine judgement of death, and all men born of women are dying this death and are to die. This old creation must all die off and just be gone, no more to have life, they are made extinct - nonexistent, just like the beasts that perish (Ps. 49:20).
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